Overcome your insomnia.
Overcome your nightmares.
No pills. Honest.

At Honest Sleep, we specialize in the assessment and treatment of chronic insomnia and nightmare disorder in adults.

Chronic Insomnia.

Common.Concerning. Constant.

The most common sleep disorder: Impacting 1 out of every 10 people in the general population.

A life-threatening disorder: Associated with increased risk for depression, anxiety, substance use, chronic pain, heart disease, and suicide.


Nightmare Disorder

Frightening. Emotional. Traumatic.

Frightening, recurring, well-remembered dreams: Impacting 2% to 8% of people in the general population.

An emotional disorder: Approximately 50% of people diagnosed with borderline personality disorder report regularly experiencing nightmares.

A traumatic disorder: Over 70% of people diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder report regularly experiencing post-traumatic nightmares. Even following successful trauma-focused treatment, nightmares tend to remain problematic if not treated directly. 


The most effective treatments science has to offer.

50 years of research, the American College of Physicians, and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine agree:

The most effective treatment for chronic insomnia disorder in adults is skill-based (not pill-based) and completed over an average of 4 to 8 weekly, 50-minute sessions.

30 years of research and the American Academy of Sleep Medicine agree: 

The most effective treatment for nightmare disorder in adults is skill-based (not pill-based) and completed over the equivalent of 6 to 9 weekly, 50-minute sessions.

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At Honest Sleep, all our services are provided through telehealth using a secure, HIPAA-compliant software platform. Overcome your insomnia or nightmares from home, work, or another private location of your choice.

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About our founder, Brian Curtis, Ph.D.


Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Clinical Psychology. Master’s (M.S.) in Human Genetics under the mentorship of Nobel Prize winning geneticist Mario Capecchi, Ph.D. 

Clinical Experience

Expertise in evidence-based assessment and treatment of chronic insomnia, nightmare disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder.


12 years of research in the field of sleep medicine. 10 peer-reviewed scientific publications. Member of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) and Society of Behavioral Sleep Medicine (SBSM).

Personal experience

For 21 years, from age 10 to 31, I struggled with insomnia. Through daily practice of the same evidence-based skills I offer at Honest Sleep, I’ve been insomnia-free for the past 6 years (and counting). I practice what I teach.

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Brian Curtis photo


Overcoming your insomnia and nightmares takes effort and a commitment to change. This is a practice. It's more difficult than taking a pill. It's also more effective and lasts longer. Skills have no side effects. They work for as long as you practice them, perhaps for a lifetime. If you’re willing to put in the effort, if you’re willing to practice, if you’re committed to changing your life by changing your sleep, it’s worth far more than it costs.


90-minute comprehensive clinical intake assessment

Our first session to learn about your treatment goals, current difficulties, medical history, social history, and psychological history. This includes a differential diagnosis of sleep disorders and individualized treatment planning.


50-minute treatment sessions

Weekly 50-minute treatment sessions until your chronic insomnia or nightmare disorder is resolved. If needed, you can schedule one or more follow-up sessions to ensure you maintain your treatment gains.

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Helping better. Together.

At Honest Sleep, we're dedicated to increasing human health and wellbeing. We donate 10% of our profits to the world's most effective charities through our partnership with the nonprofit GiveWell.